Do you have further questions about Karls or your studies? Then just write me. I will be at your side with words and deeds and look forward to hear from you.

Daniel Niño
Hello, I'm Daniel, 3rd semester International Business at Karls!
Since I have had the opportunity to live abroad, I like to ask myself the question," what am I going to do as a Colombian, that had the opportunity to live and study abroad, to give back to my country". It is a question that I keep always present since I strongly believe that no matter what I do or no matter where I go, I am an ambassador of my country since I am responsible to carry out the good name of Colombia. There is so much that people need to learn and see from my country other than what people see on Netflix. There is so much beauty and untold stories that I try to show with my lifestyle.
As I joined Karlshochschule, coming from Colombia, I had so many questions about the city, the school, the food, work, and the people, and all I wished was to know another fellow Colombian to help me clarify all those questions with that Colombian humor that can make those awkward moments a little bit more enjoyable.
I want to become that go-to person when it comes to helping other people through the experiences I have had since I live here in Germany, and hope to see more new students from my beloved country in my beloved university.
Moving to Germany I wasn't sure what to expect, it is a completely different world compared to Colombia. the architecture, the food, the culture, the landscape, everything seemed so different at first, but as the days went by, I could find more and more similarities to Colombia which made my transition way lighter and to me, more exciting. I remember in the first week I was here in Germany, I got invited to see a Bayern München game on the tv in a bar. I remember seeing all the Germans enjoying the game screaming, laughing, hugging each other while Bayern scored goals, at that moment I realized that after all, we were not that different, and after all, with some good laughs, good company, good beer, and good soccer, Germany could be also called "my home".
I enjoy meeting new people with different stories and backgrounds, of course, while enjoying a good cold German beer. I also love physical activities, just going for a walk in a place I have never been to or going for a run in the beautiful forest of Karlsruhe, but most of all, I love soccer and everything about it, playing it, watching it, and also discussing it.
If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me, looking forward to talking to you!

It was really amazing during the quad bike tour, with friends because we had the opportunity to visit one of the towns in which people still use buildings, constructed inside rocks as their home. When we got to the town some of the merchants, offered to sell to us a Turkish Kangal puppy, for only 200 Turkish liras. Even though we where really tempted to the offer we had to refuse, for one of our friends knew that these dogs are Sheppard dogs and at fully grown age can weight up to 66kg and reach a hight of 74cm, making it really difficult to raise such beauty in an apartment or WG. On the other hand accommodation in the city of Gorem has a relative good price ranging between 20 euros and 90 euros per night.

Short note on the Ai conference
One of the main topics discused in the AI panel conference was how In Karlsruhe there is a very favorable ecosystem for AI startups bringing SME (Small medium enterprise) and AI startups to adopt AI solutions in different business context. Other topics that were discussed during the conference are for instance, how can AI have solid ethical standards for its future application and several cases of developments and applications that can help to tackle the sustainability dilemma. You can find more information at the ZKM center web page or at AIxAI home page of the event. It is very important to understand that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a term, that encompases severeal types of technologies, that derives from computer science and makes emphasis on the ability of soft where to complete human type tasks. This new technology can be used in fields of: Virtual Personal assistance, Smart cars, Cognitive computers, Digital Marketing, OTT, Security and Survalence, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Logistics and Transport. You can learn more at:

StudentenWohnheim (Dorms) in Karlsruhe
In this post you will find the most relevant Student dorms in the city with their webpages, address and point of contact for application.
- Youniq Studentenwohnung mit: Gottesauer straße 37, 76131 Karlsruhe email:
- Studentenwohnheim Kolleg am Ring: Adenauerring 6, 76131 Karlsruhe web page:
- Studentenheim Oberrhein: Rudolf straße 24, 76131 Karlsruhe web page:
- Studentenwohnheim Engler Straße: EnglerStraße 14, 76131 Karlsruhe web page:
- Studentenwohnheim e.v: Klosterweg 28, 76131 Karlsruhe web page:
- Hans Dickman Kolleg: Klosterweg 28, 76131 Karslruhe web page:
- Wohnheim Waldhornstraße des Studierendenwerks Karlsruhe: Waldhornstraße 36 76131 Karlsruhe
- Studentenwohnheim Klosterweg 7: Klosterweg 7, 76131 Karlsruhe web page:
- Studentenwohnheim Nancystraße 20: NancyStraße 20, 76131 Karlsruhe web page:
- Augustin Bea-Haus: Willy-andreas-allee 5, 76131 Karlsruhe web page:
- Studentenwohnheim Hans Wolfgang Heidland Haus: Weechstraße 1, 76131 Karlsruhe web page:

Living in Karlsruhe and Meeting new friends.
One of the things that has impressed me the most of studying in Karlshochschule is, that it is so diverse that bring people from different backgrounds and countries and it has given me the opportunity to be friends and a little bit of their culture and inspiration for new places to travel hopefully in the future one day. An opportunity I would have never had if I stayed home.

It was really amazing during the quad bike tour, with friends because we had the opportunity to visit one of the towns in which people still use buildings, constructed inside rocks as their home. When we got to the town some of the merchants, offered to sell to us a Turkish Kangal puppy, for only 200 Turkish liras. Even though we where really tempted to the offer we had to refuse, for one of our friends knew that these dogs are Sheppard dogs and at fully grown age can weight up to 66kg and reach a hight of 74cm, making it really difficult to raise such beauty in an apartment or WG. On the other hand accommodation in the city of Gorem has a relative good price ranging between 20 euros and 90 euros per night.

Short note on the Ai conference
One of the main topics discused in the AI panel conference was how In Karlsruhe there is a very favorable ecosystem for AI startups bringing SME (Small medium enterprise) and AI startups to adopt AI solutions in different business context. Other topics that were discussed during the conference are for instance, how can AI have solid ethical standards for its future application and several cases of developments and applications that can help to tackle the sustainability dilemma. You can find more information at the ZKM center web page or at AIxAI home page of the event. It is very important to understand that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a term, that encompases severeal types of technologies, that derives from computer science and makes emphasis on the ability of soft where to complete human type tasks. This new technology can be used in fields of: Virtual Personal assistance, Smart cars, Cognitive computers, Digital Marketing, OTT, Security and Survalence, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Logistics and Transport. You can learn more at:

Living in Karlsruhe and Meeting new friends.
One of the things that has impressed me the most of studying in Karlshochschule is, that it is so diverse that bring people from different backgrounds and countries and it has given me the opportunity to be friends and a little bit of their culture and inspiration for new places to travel hopefully in the future one day. An opportunity I would have never had if I stayed home.

Student Life in Europe!
Studying abroad at Karlshochschule has been the best decision I have made, bringing me the opportunity to travel to several countries accross Europe due to its strategical geographic location. For instance last week I was in Valencia Spain for Las Fallas. To learn more about this Carnival click on the link.

It was really amazing during the quad bike tour, with friends because we had the opportunity to visit one of the towns in which people still use buildings, constructed inside rocks as their home. When we got to the town some of the merchants, offered to sell to us a Turkish Kangal puppy, for only 200 Turkish liras. Even though we where really tempted to the offer we had to refuse, for one of our friends knew that these dogs are Sheppard dogs and at fully grown age can weight up to 66kg and reach a hight of 74cm, making it really difficult to raise such beauty in an apartment or WG. On the other hand accommodation in the city of Gorem has a relative good price ranging between 20 euros and 90 euros per night.

StudentenWohnheim (Dorms) in Karlsruhe
In this post you will find the most relevant Student dorms in the city with their webpages, address and point of contact for application.
- Youniq Studentenwohnung mit: Gottesauer straße 37, 76131 Karlsruhe email:
- Studentenwohnheim Kolleg am Ring: Adenauerring 6, 76131 Karlsruhe web page:
- Studentenheim Oberrhein: Rudolf straße 24, 76131 Karlsruhe web page:
- Studentenwohnheim Engler Straße: EnglerStraße 14, 76131 Karlsruhe web page:
- Studentenwohnheim e.v: Klosterweg 28, 76131 Karlsruhe web page:
- Hans Dickman Kolleg: Klosterweg 28, 76131 Karslruhe web page:
- Wohnheim Waldhornstraße des Studierendenwerks Karlsruhe: Waldhornstraße 36 76131 Karlsruhe
- Studentenwohnheim Klosterweg 7: Klosterweg 7, 76131 Karlsruhe web page:
- Studentenwohnheim Nancystraße 20: NancyStraße 20, 76131 Karlsruhe web page:
- Augustin Bea-Haus: Willy-andreas-allee 5, 76131 Karlsruhe web page:
- Studentenwohnheim Hans Wolfgang Heidland Haus: Weechstraße 1, 76131 Karlsruhe web page:

It was really amazing during the quad bike tour, with friends because we had the opportunity to visit one of the towns in which people still use buildings, constructed inside rocks as their home. When we got to the town some of the merchants, offered to sell to us a Turkish Kangal puppy, for only 200 Turkish liras. Even though we where really tempted to the offer we had to refuse, for one of our friends knew that these dogs are Sheppard dogs and at fully grown age can weight up to 66kg and reach a hight of 74cm, making it really difficult to raise such beauty in an apartment or WG. On the other hand accommodation in the city of Gorem has a relative good price ranging between 20 euros and 90 euros per night.

StudentenWohnheim (Dorms) in Karlsruhe
In this post you will find the most relevant Student dorms in the city with their webpages, address and point of contact for application.
- Youniq Studentenwohnung mit: Gottesauer straße 37, 76131 Karlsruhe email:
- Studentenwohnheim Kolleg am Ring: Adenauerring 6, 76131 Karlsruhe web page:
- Studentenheim Oberrhein: Rudolf straße 24, 76131 Karlsruhe web page:
- Studentenwohnheim Engler Straße: EnglerStraße 14, 76131 Karlsruhe web page:
- Studentenwohnheim e.v: Klosterweg 28, 76131 Karlsruhe web page:
- Hans Dickman Kolleg: Klosterweg 28, 76131 Karslruhe web page:
- Wohnheim Waldhornstraße des Studierendenwerks Karlsruhe: Waldhornstraße 36 76131 Karlsruhe
- Studentenwohnheim Klosterweg 7: Klosterweg 7, 76131 Karlsruhe web page:
- Studentenwohnheim Nancystraße 20: NancyStraße 20, 76131 Karlsruhe web page:
- Augustin Bea-Haus: Willy-andreas-allee 5, 76131 Karlsruhe web page:
- Studentenwohnheim Hans Wolfgang Heidland Haus: Weechstraße 1, 76131 Karlsruhe web page:

Short note on the Ai conference
One of the main topics discused in the AI panel conference was how In Karlsruhe there is a very favorable ecosystem for AI startups bringing SME (Small medium enterprise) and AI startups to adopt AI solutions in different business context. Other topics that were discussed during the conference are for instance, how can AI have solid ethical standards for its future application and several cases of developments and applications that can help to tackle the sustainability dilemma. You can find more information at the ZKM center web page or at AIxAI home page of the event. It is very important to understand that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a term, that encompases severeal types of technologies, that derives from computer science and makes emphasis on the ability of soft where to complete human type tasks. This new technology can be used in fields of: Virtual Personal assistance, Smart cars, Cognitive computers, Digital Marketing, OTT, Security and Survalence, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Logistics and Transport. You can learn more at:

Student Life in Europe!
Studying abroad at Karlshochschule has been the best decision I have made, bringing me the opportunity to travel to several countries accross Europe due to its strategical geographic location. For instance last week I was in Valencia Spain for Las Fallas. To learn more about this Carnival click on the link.

Why Karlsruhe Germany?
Karlsruhe is one of the most well known student life cities in Germany with approximately 30000 students it is commonly known as "Germanies Think Tank" combining mostly engineers, from KIT (Karlsruhe Institute for Technology), artist from other universities, Musicians and of course students from the Karlshochschule.

Why Karlshochschule International University?
Karlshochschule university provides great opportunities to students from all corners across the world, no matter the place of origin you will always feel welcomed and inspired to come to class. With the possibility of studying different careers in the fields of business and sociological sciences that will help us construct an ideal future.
The Karls
The Karls-People

In Germany, students call each other ‘Kommilitonen’ – this is based on a Latin term that means something like ‘fellow combatants’. And that’s exactly how it really is: At Karls, I feel like I'm surrounded by people who are working for the same things and want to stand up for what’s right together. The professors, staff and other students are inspired by the idea of creating something bigger – committed to the environment, sustainability and a better world. That's why I don’t feel like there are any hierarchies here. I can chat with my professors as easily as with my roommate. I can confidently say: The people here are the ones who have made Karlsruhe a second home for me.
The Karls-Philosophy

Karls has developed its own constructivist philosophy and didactics. The exact wording can be found on But I can tell you in my own words how this philosophy feels to me and how it has become tangible in my life. Put briefly: At Karls, I can let myself and my ideas blossom. I can incorporate my knowledge, my ideals and my expectations and deepen them in a lively dialogue with my fellow students. My ideas are taken seriously here – I learn from my professors, of course, but my professors also learn from me. Instead of a strict curriculum and tons of theoretical knowledge, at Karls, I am given a wide range of information that I can structure however I want, and many opportunities to try it out in practice.
The Karls-Education

When I arrive at Karls in the morning, I overhear scraps of conversation between my classmates in English, German, French, Spanish and many other languages. It is precisely this open intercultural exchange that also shapes the experience of studying at Karls. Here, it’s totally normal for your course of study to cross the boundaries between disciplines. For example, it’s simply a matter of course for economists to be concerned with topics such as sustainability, environmental conservation and social justice. Conversely, sociologists at Karls are developing business models that will change the way we understand management. There’s no question that the idea of a language barrier is unimportant at the Karlshochschule. Most of the courses take place in English, and learning German is on the curriculum from day one.

What should our future look like? How do we want to manage tomorrow? In the Management degree program, you will learn to take responsibility for a complex world in which negotiating skills are just as important as understanding and empathy. The pop-up menu gives you more information about your specialization options.
International Business

If you do not want to conceive of economics merely as a game of numbers, but instead want to understand and apply economic questions in an intercultural context, then you’ve come to the right place. You can design your own course of studies and specialize in three different areas.

The world needs not only doers, but also thinkers. People who write the rules of the future and act as protagonists on the international political and economic stage. In these four courses of study in the field of ‘Society’, you’ll get exactly the know-how you need.
Management (M.A.)
The reality of economics and business is negotiated again and again between those involved in it. There are no universal truths, but rather well-functioning viewpoints. This is exactly what the course of studies conveys: Here, students and teachers work together on cultural and social science topics and apply them to management practice.
Would you like to enter the creative industry or set up your own start-up? Do you want to make a difference in the political system of your country or, as the person in charge of an NGO, foster social change? Whatever your vision is: The Master's program offers you six different specializations from which you can choose two – so you can tailor your studies to your exact goals.

Way to Karls

At Karls, we know that grades are not everything. Here, what counts above all is a person’s commitment and the values that define them – and that cannot be measured. The most important thing about your online application is therefore your letter of motivation. This is your chance to show us who you are and why you are a good fit for Karls. Karls is an officially accredited university and must adhere to the rules of the German registration authorities in the application process: Therefore, another prerequisite is a recognized secondary-school degree in Germany.
Help Center

I've put together a bunch of PDFs for most countries on the South American continent. Here you will find a step-by-step checklist for your journey to Karls – from your letter of motivation to how to apply for grants and scholarships and even the application form for a visa. Also, the exact requirements for your education are in the PDF for your country or your region. In addition, you will find in the PDF the contact details of the most important contact persons, e.g. your consulate or embassy. If at any point you feel unsure – don’t worry: I'm here for you.
International Foundation Year

Are you thinking ‘Karls is exactly what I want for my life’, but unfortunately are missing the appropriate degree? Maybe you also have a very good school diploma, but it is not recognized by the German registration authorities? Don’t despair! Many of my fellow students once felt the same way. The solution for you might be the Foundation Year: Within a year, you will learn all the necessary content and then take an exam. This means you’ll meet the admission requirements and can enrol at Karls. Wondering if a Foundation Year is also for you? Write to me and I'll explain everything else, including where and when you can do it.